VS-Flex Reinforced Rubber Joint:
VS-Flex Reinforced rubber Ruber Joint are crafted to address both longitudinal and transversal movements, spanning from 50mm up to 320mm. These joints not only permit small vertical movements but also accommodate rotations between the two adjacent sections. This design flexibility allows for the easy accommodation of minor inaccuracies in bridge alignment and structural settlements.
VS-Flex Reinforced Rubber joints represent a highly compact and cost-effective solution, particularly well-suited for replacements. They attribute this to their minimal space requirements for installation and the straightforward installation concept they embody.
Designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions, the specially developed rubber compound ensures resilience against oil, grease, salt, and other aggressive media, preventing premature aging.
Manufactured in two-meter modules, VS-Flex Reinforced Rubber Joint are installed sequentially to cover the complete cross-section of a bridge. The male-female joint design facilitates the connection between rubber modules, enabling the replacement of damaged modules without the need to replace the entire expansion joint. This feature not only streamlines maintenance but also minimizes disruptions to traffic by temporarily blocking only a portion of the bridge for module replacement.
The joints feature a unique surface layout aimed at minimizing noise emissions caused by vehicles traversing over them, while also maintaining optimal tire adhesion. VS-Flex Reinforced Rubber Joint boast waterproof characteristics, achieved through the use of a rubber flashing securely attached to the gap’s edges. The design of the flashing readily accommodates both longitudinal and transversal movements, ensuring effective water tightness.
In order to select the right expansion joint type and to choose the best solution. Engineers are available to support you. Required data to design a reinforced rubber expansion joint are
- Max longitudinal and transversal movement (mm).
- Gap width (mm).
- Road cross section.
- Special requirements like sidewalks layout or preset.
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